Monday, November 21, 2011

This is the worst photo I've possibly ever taken...

This is the worst photo I've possibly ever taken and let other people see - don't judge me for it - it's all I have to show you the progress. I'm dedicating myself to better picture taking. Promise.

Yep, horrible picture but it's of the finished sweater/vesty thing. It is supposed to be my size but it looks like I pushed down some smaller person and stole thier vest - which is why I don't really care that it's a bad picture cause it hides just how small the thing is. So, I'm thinking it's going to one of my friends who is slightly smaller than me.

This past weekend we loaded up the dogs and headed west. By west, I mean Alpine/Ft Davis area, to Camp Mitre Peak. CMP is a girl scout camp that is the best thing since sliced bread. And you know how much I love bread! It is between Alpine and Ft Davis and it looks like this:
See? More beautiful than sliced bread!
This was Jamie's first time west of SA and he loved it - mostly that there were less people crowding up the place and the openness. This was the second year we met there for climbing and the annual Artwalk. One of Jamie's best friends lives in the area and joins us, so it's extra special because we get to hang out with him.
We are looking for some acerage in the area. Too bad there aren't very many jobs cause I think we established on our drive back that we'd both pick up and move out there in a heartbeat. It's lovely.
We also purchased a small piece of artwork and found some fantastic pottery mugs. There was good food and good company. It just wasn't long enough.
I took knitting with me and every intention to get some knitting done, but with three large dogs making the trip with us I didn't knit a single stitch. They loved exploring and hanging out with everyone. Here's Copper, cause Jamie couldn't get the other two to look at him long enough to get a good picture.

I did get to play with my camera a bit off 'Auto' mode. That was lots of fun. I am making an effort to learn how to use all the functions of my Canon Powershot. 'All' is a little audacious.

I owe Kat a pair of socks and I plan on having them done ASAP. They are what I took with me this past weekend and didn't work on at all.
I'll let you know how they progress.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Holy cow batman, it's been almost a month since I last blogged!

Lots of stuff has been going on and I'll do my best to cover all of it.

I made an unexpected trip to Michigan at the end of October. It was not for a happy reason, but it was a fantastic trip. While I was packing, I really wanted to bring multiple projects with me. Airplane time is great knitting time! I was not checking a bag. Jamie asked with knowing behind his eyes what I was taking to keep me occupied on the plane. I eargerly produced a sock project and the lacy scarf, excited as could be.
"Emily," he says "don't you have any less scary looking needles? Perhaps something not metal?"
I deflated slightly - I was seriously looking forward to knitting on the plane, but I only have one set of non-metal needles. I haven't been doing this very long and have never had to worry about stupid airport policies before. I produced the one set of wooden needles I own.
"Those are even scarier! Do you have any that are less sharp?" he asks.
No, I don't and I don't think that should stop me from taking the needles with me. I researched this - they told me I could take an envelope just in case they won't let me through so I can mail my needles back to myself. And it starts sinking in that the precious small amount of space I have would be taken up by yarn that I couldn't even do anything with serving as a reminder that some stupid non-knitting TSA person took my needles from me because they 'looked scary' and they couldn't understand why someone would knit in the first place. I played it safe and left the knitting and yarn at home. It sucked. I was gone for five days - even spent time in a car and knitting would've been really nice to have with me.

I will be getting plastic/wood needles for Christmas. Mark my words.

So after I returned home, I had lots of baby stuff to make because I had two baby showers the following weekend. I had to do a mad dash of two (yes, not one, but two) baby blankets for the showers. And in my mind I was making booties and hats to go with.
I started a crochet blanket after not being able to properly start a knitted pattern I picked out. Also, after looking at the yarn I'd picked I wouldn't have enough to complete it.
Wednesday I realized the shower I was crocheting for was on Sunday and I needed something for Sataurday (which is a day closer!), so I dropped the crochet and started knitting this simple garter stitch blanket. I used  (believe it or not) the Lion Brand Hometown USA yarn called for in the project, but used pink and brown. I forgot to take a photo before I gave it to the mommy-to-be. I also whipped up a little beanie for the tyke, but forgot to take a photo of that too (bad blogger). Both were well received.

I wore the sweater to the Sataurday baby shower. I got lots of compliments and amazed looks that I actually made what I was wearing. I was very good and did not point out the errors that I did not fix. There was another crocheter there, who also gave a blanket (like the crochet blanket I picked out for the other baby shower - good thing I didn't do that blanket for both babies!) so I didn't feel like such a freak. Then I was asked something I haven't been asked before - "How long did it take you to learn to do that?". My initial thought was 'huh?'. I'm still learning to do this.
Fortunately, I had the gumption to form 'huh' into "What do you mean?". It was clarified: how long did it take you to learn to knit/how did you learn to knit?
I just picked up a book and did it.
Appearently, that is rather odd for someone to do - thank god my sister was there to translate and saved me by formulating an appropriate sounding response for me. I really have no idea what she said, but it sounded better than what was coming out of my mouth, which was awkward as usual.
This got me thinking - how did I learn to do this?

I was crocheting, and it was good. I found some knitting stuff of my mom's so I went out and bought this knitting book - from Walmart and everything. I made a simple knit scarf out of a single ball of yarn. Baby shower #2 mommy-to-be, loved the scarf and bought from me cause she wouldn't let me give it to her (cause she's crazy!). Then, I wanted a challenge! So I made this:

It's a stitch 'sampler' type of project that was supposed to turn itself into a pillow, but never did.  It was easier than I thought. And I've been knitting since.
But I'm just following instructions. I don't feel like I'm doing anything spectacular. Even the stitches that look really complicated were not that bad. So, I figured I'd just learn as I went and started projects I thought were interesting. 
And then I knit a sweater. 

Does that sound any better than 'huh'? 

At least now I have compiled an answer for the next time I'm asked.

And here's the crochet blanket:

For baby shower # 2 that I didn't actually make it to cause I felt like crappo and didn't really want to puke on anybody. No one needs that as a family memory - yeah, I'm the girl that puked on you at your baby shower...ugh, no. I'll take it by her work and present it without puking on her.

Friday, when I went to buy actual gifts from Babys'r'us*, I was in the area of a Hobby Lobby - it's like Christmas ya'll, there is only Walmart in my local town for yarny items and the selection sucks, think Planet Acrylic - so I made my sister go with me to see what was on sale. Lo and behold I bought a little bit of sock yarn:

Okay, so I might have bought a LOT of sock yarn. But it was a really good deal! Seriously. Like $34 worth of good deal. 

After I finished the crochet blanket last night, I started sewing together the black sweater/vest thingy I talked about here and it's coming right along. I should have a completed photo next post.

I promise it won't be so long between the next post. 

Happy knitting!

*The Babys'R'Us I went to was a horrible, awful place that was unorganized and had dirty bathrooms. The gift registry did not correctly point non-baby people (like me) to the location for unknown alien objects placed throughout their stores in no logical order which blend into Toys'R'Us without notice even though they have different entrances. I will not be going there again.