Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I'm having a hard time staying focused. There is a LOT to do before this weekend. Things have been so busy lately. We've had bachelor party, bridal shower followed up by 'girls night/bachelorette party', we went to Houston in a day for a First Birthday party, and now it's nose-to-the-grindstone-week-before-the-big-event!
I'm working on a slideshow at the moment for the rehearsal dinner of Erica and Loren over the years. I freaking LOVE old photos. It has been great getting to thumb through our best friends' old childhood photos and put them in 'order'.
In my spare time, I've managed to get some craftiness done.
For the bridal shower, I went with crochet because of the limited time frame. I made some earrings...that I didn't take a photo of before giving them. Sorry folks. But they were these:
From crochettoday.com

Mine didn't look as nice as these, but I had to adapt the pattern for smaller hoops. I want to keep messing with the pattern to see if I can get a set to look as nice. They still came out pretty darn cute though!

I also am still working on this sarong:
From crochettoday.com

I'm using yellow because it matches the bathing suits Erica has better than turquoise. I'm hoping to finish that up this week too.

I have also resorted to carrying the socks with me everywhere in the hopes I'll have a spare moment to work on them. Don't mind the Marry Poppins bag - my husband HATES this bag. It's pretty neverending and is hard to find things in. But I have insider knowledge that I may be getting a smaller nicer purse for my birthday. ;)

I have worked a few rows here and a few rows there, but it still doesn't look like I've made progress. I am determined to finish these socks. And I'm currently looking for a scarf pattern for the rest of this same yarn in the stash. They are not destined to become another set of socks.

Additionally, I've cast on some Christmas stockings (yes Christmas in April - I'm working in advance) on my new circular needles! I've been hired to whip two up for a woman from Floresville. I'm really looking forward to the pattern - its vintage and cute. Plus it's going to use the intarsia skills I taught myself when making the nerd coasters. I'll be posting progress on these as I go - after the whirlwind of this weekend is past.

I also managed to try my hand at embroidery - Erica pinned a picture of a wedding date embroidered on the bottom layers of a wedding dress in blue. It was fun and came out pretty good! Something I'd never done.

I've also managed to get some burning done this past weekend and social time spaced throughout the last couple of weeks.

Alrighty, lots to do, not a lot of time to do it in. So, happy knitting!