Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gettin' shit done!!

It is October and these puppies are completed!!! I doubted myself in July. I couldn't imagine ever getting them finished. But I stuck it out and completed they are!  I cannot even tell you all how excited I am these are finished! They came out pretty cute too!

I was so excited they were done. I did this:
These are the Christmas socks that I sort of gave my sister - she only got one at Christmas, remember? Yep, finished those up too!

I think I've got my knitting bug back! I'm so freaking excited!

The only problem now is that I've run out of incomplete projects to finish so I need to start a new project.... So digging through patterns it is!

While I was downloading these pictures I found this (that I had forgotten I'd done this summer):
It's a door. A nice door. Our house currently has plain Jane doors and our goal is to eventually upgrade them to this style to add a little character. I hung this one on the master bedroom closet. First solo door hang (my dad walked me through the last one I hung). It went rather well. I did it on a Sataurday while the other half was working....he was impressed when he got home.

Ok, it's totally past my bedtime, but I wanted to share my excitement with the world.

Good night and happy knitting!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Christmas....a little early!

Happy Tuesday!

This is me....blogging.

It's been super busy lately. There are multiple projects keeping me busy at work (big and small). Some are going to take months and some are less time consuming. We've been fighting Brisco getting old on us - he got an eye infection and now, a month later, he has a hot spot on his face that was/is festering - and shuffling him to the vet around work schedules.

We've been working on the master bedroom again. The floor is laid.

The sink area is primed and has thin plywood laid in preparation of the pressed tin ceiling tiles that are going on the ceiling. Copper is checking up on me!
That's what's been keeping us busy most weekends!
Plus all that, I've been working on the project I was hired to do for a very nice lady. Her mother had made her and her sister Christmas stockings from a Bernat pattern. She wants her children to have the same Christmas stockings! I love carrying on traditions! I was able to find a reproduced pattern on Ravelry that was published with Bernat's permission.
I was trying to not publish pictures of the work until I was finished, but it's taking me so long that I'm afraid it's going to appear that I've given up knitting completely!
This pattern has been a challenge in perfecting intarsia and adding the fact that a lot of the white doesn't allow you to carry a darker color yarn behind it. It's extremely important to work the pattern correctly or it doesn't come out looking very good. I got all the way to the candy cane in the middle on the first stocking and had to rip the entire thing out! I've since reknitted it and it looks way better. Check it out:

The second one is getting really really close to being complete.

The final product is slightly longer than the original stocking knitted for the mother of these children, but I checked and rechecked the pattern and I couldn't find anywhere that I added rows to the pattern. So hopefully, it's going to be okay.
Other than that, I took Kat to have a lense implanted behind her iris because she doesn't meet the qualificaitons for Lasik. The eye center she used is having a contest for free Lasik and I've entered! If you're reading this, please visit Focal Point Vision's facebook page and like the photo I posted here. I have never won anything in my life and this would be the best thing ever! I tried to get Lasik a couple of years back - qualified but couldn't swing the procedure financially. With the house project and everything else it's going to be a while before I'm able to justify Lasik. I would appreciate any likes from anyone and would also be in complete disbelief if I actually qualified and then were chosen! So help me out please!!
I also just finished another 'Painting with a Twist' class. Those are so fantastic! I love them. I'm not quite as crazy about the painting this time around, but it's still super fun! I can't wait for the next time!
Bedtime is sneaking up on me so that's all I have for tonight!
Happy knitting!!