Friday, February 22, 2013

Nesting my ass


This word offends me. It offends me so much that I almost feel it's wrong to be offended by it.

What exactly does this mean??

According to it has nothing to do with being pregnant:
verb (used with object)
8. to settle or place (something) in or as if in a nest: to nest dishes in straw. 
9. to fit or place one within another: to nest boxes for more compact storage.

According to articles about pregnancy nesting is: "Reorganizing the closets, alphabetizing the spice rack, and thwarting dust-bunny breeding efforts under the bed? Welcome to a pre-labor ritual that helps get your home ready for the baby, and helps you pass the time."

Here's my problem: that definition above is me....all the time. I always alaphabetize spice racks and cds and dvds and worry about dust bunnies under the bed. And lets not even get me started on closets....closets are my favorite rooms in a house and they deserve LOTS of attention.

So why, just because I'm pregnant do these household chores become a label?

I read another article (that I cannot find right now) that said nesting "was preparing a place for your baby to sleep". Who doesn't prepare a place for their baby to sleep? Better yet, who wouldn't? If I wasn't thinking about providing a place for the little thing to sleep, wouldn't I be unfit? So, how is a logical thought process for preparing for something as life changing as adding another human being into your household labelled as 'nesting'??

Have you ever watched a bird build a nest? I have. They carry it out with devotion and it happens rather quickly.

Perhaps I'm offended by this term because I am constantly trying to improve our house in everyway - organization, cleanliness, asthetically - and think it is completely outrageous that all that hard work to improve our household should not be watered down to one measly word: 'nesting'.

I'm not nesting. I'm preparing for a child. When you buy a dog, do you make sure it has a water bowl, food bowl, a place to sleep, and somewhere to be safe (like a kennel)? Yes, so why isn't that called nesting?

More irritating to me is when people apply the 'nesting' term to my knitting. No, I am not knitting because I am 'nesting'. I'm knitting because I like to knit gosh darn it. I've been knitting for almost three years and let me tell you, I have NOT been nesting for that long!

Anyway, I think this is why I haven't knitted the poor new little girl anything yet.

I hope she knows I love her anyway.

I still have a month.