Friday, December 2, 2011

Best socks I've ever made

I started another pair of socks. They are by far coming out better than any other sock I've made to date.

So, what makes it so special?

Okay okay okay - I was trying to take the photo above and circle all the cool parts that are better than all my other socks, but I am retarded and cannot do that, so decriptive words are going to have to do. Sorry folks.

Well, there are a few things - 1) the interestion of the heel flap and foot part is knit better which means there isn't a little hole there like the other socks I've knit. 2) the increases and decreases at the arch, toe, and heel shaping are much better done which also mean less hole-i-ness. 3) I have forced myself to pay attention to my tension for the foot rounds and have virtually eliminated the jog that is normally in the center where my 1st and 3rd needle are in the middle of that large section of stockinette stitch. 4) I found matching sections of yarn for both socks so they have the same color order.

Look at me... all improving... and stuff.
I'm liking the results. This particular pair of socks is going to my dear friend Kat in Midland when they are complete. I am working through the foot section at the moment - I took this photo earlier this week and have been a very very bad blogger because I have only just got around to posting now. I know you all will forgive me...surely...if not, it doesn't matter because it is what it is. :)

With that being said. I must finish some socks. And start another pair - after all I bought an entire bag of sock yarn! WOot!

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