Thursday, February 16, 2012

Busy Life

I feel like a horrible blogger.
At the moment, I am a horrible blogger.
I have no pictures to share - not that I haven't done picture worthy things - at the moment.
I have not completely fallen off the deep end and given up knitting/crochet. I promise.
I have just found a picture to share!! This blog is becoming better already!
This is the Birthday Socks, given to my dear friend Erica. She only received one sock originally. I have since finished sock number two and given it to her. She no longer has cold feet! I love this yarn (It's Kroy FX Sock yarn)
This is one of the Christmas socks, for my sister Heather. She only received one sock at Christmas, yes, December 25th 2011. Her feet are less cold because she owns my first ever socks, but she doesn't have fun, pretty socks to keep her feet warm. I am farther along than this - I have completed the leg and the flap of the gusset/flap heel. I have not started the foot, which is going to take me forever to complete. But I will.I promise.

I am a better blogger!

I also have some other news:

I do wear dresses...sometimes...when the occasion calls for it.
Like when you get married! Which is what Jamie and I just finished doing in the photo above!

We agreed a long time ago we wanted to marry each other.  Recently, we've been feeling.... paused. Everything was hinging on how we wanted it to be. We had created in our minds how things were going to be. To the point where it felt like we were just..on pause..waiting for the time when we could make things in real life match what was in our minds.
I know, it's a silly way to live. I was feeling like I was going to wake up one day and have missed life all because we couldn't do things like our mental snapshot.We started talking about missing life and he felt the same way. We decided this is what we needed to do. To just do it. It's not perfect and it's not really how we wanted it to be, but the end result is the same. We agreed we were tired of waiting for the end result.
So there ya have it. The big news.

And no. It's not any different than the other six years we've been together. Nothing has changed. We got all our knock-down-drag-out fighting done the first couple of years we were together - you could ask our friends - I'm sure they have some good stories that even I don't remember. We survived, worked through it, have learned a lot about each other, and more about ourselves. Our daily lives are exactly as they have been only now, our last names match.

I've been doing some redecorating in the house while getting ready for a gathering and once things calm down a bit I'll share some of that. Wish me luck in trying to get Heather's socks done by the end of February.
Happy knitting!

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