Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sleeves Progressing

I am working away on the sleeves. I admit: there's been a bit of lapse in knitting time over the past week or so. Bit of an issue with counting (surprised?!). I'm coming to the conclusion that lack of sleep seriously effects my counting abilities. Last week was a sucky week for sleep and the counting skills were MIA for multiple evenings.
So, here's a photo of the sleeves so far:

See the gathering at the top of the finished sleeve? Pretty excited about how that's going to turn out once everything is assembled. And trying to figure out where/how to block all these pieces. I'm knitting away at the second sleeve, as you see. Hopefully, it'll be finished by the end of this week. I know originally the goal was to have it completed by this past weekend, but that was a bit agressive and didn't so much work out for me.
Here's what we did instead of knitting: Friday a friend of ours came out to the house and we stayed up til 3am (way too old to be doing that) and we slept until about noon. Surprisingly neither of us overindulged in tasty beverages, we were just freaking tired. Sataurday we hit up a small gun show at the local KC hall and then drove up to New Braunfels to check out a motorcycle shop. Sunday was grocery shopping, house cleaning, and cooking.
I also did not cast on my super surprise for my brother-in-law. I have been thinking about how to create a circular crochet pattern for the second emblem that didn't work out in a square. I'm fairly positive I can create a pattern for it - at least I can see it in my head - that's half the battle right? I'm going to work on that a bit this week and since I've been informed he has no idea this blog exists - I can tell you guys all about it! And you get to see the process I'm following for this little creation.
I know you're all sitting on the edge of your seat, so I'll be following up soon! Have a great week!

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