Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Happy belated Fourth of July! I hope you all had a great weekend!
Oh, yeah! What does four days off work give you? Clean laundry, video games, and knitting progress! Lots of knitting progress!!!
See? This is the body portion - complete! Yep, complete I said!
 And here is sleeve #1 - about 2 inches from being complete!

Look at me all productive and stuff!
I'm excited! Can you tell??? I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am super freaking excited!
I'm learning about casting on methods during this project. I taught myself the knitting cast on method and have been using that exclusively for my projects. I attempted a provisional cast on for this sleeve, but the pictures/instructions are not as clear as I would like to know that I'm performing it correctly and not screwing up the sleeve, so I didn't use it. The provisional is also called the invisible cast on and gives a really clean line and is stretchy (as far as I understand). There is also a continental or long-tail cast on method and I can't really figure it out. I'm going to have to watch a video to see how continental is worked. Anyway, I'm looking at different casting on methods and plan on attempting them even if it's just for a swatch.
Speaking of swatching - I have gotten away with doing projects in a very similar or exactly the same yarn the patterns are written and my guage is very close to the pattern guage and have not had to swatch at all. Yes, I'm going to knitter hell, but I said it to the world - I do not swatch. Seriously, I do check my guage, but I have not swatched and I think it seems like a waste of yarn. I managed to do two semi-swatches for the sweater project after thinking that my guage might not be close enough, but it was and I just dived in. I know I said I was going to swatch, but once I saw the yarn all plain and in a sad little square I couldn't leave it like that - I frogged it and it's being worked into my sweater. I acknowledge I will at some point need to swatch for a project if I write my own pattern or switch up the yarn significantly. I cannot justify a waste of yarn for swatching. I've been thinking about this a long time - attempting to justify this necessary swatching and I believe I've come up with a good idea for all those bits of fabric: patchwork blanket from them. Since I have a craft room to hold onto all those swatches it shouldn't be a problem to hold onto them until I get enough of the swatches to piece together. Problem solved!

And I'm looking at other projects to move onto. I am going to be doing a special project for my brother-in-law that is a surprise! I'm not sure if he's aware of the this blog's existance so I'm going to be vague about this project and maybe just give tidbits on the progress of it until I find out he doesn't know about my blog and then ya'll will be included in all the fantastic details. For now, I've found the graphics I need and sized them. I need to graph them to create a custom color chart for knitting said graphic. This is going to be my first multi-color project and I'm thinking will be my gateway into fair isle knitting because I really want to knit something awesome in fair isle. Maybe like this?
 Astera Fair Isle Cardigan Pattern
And even further into the future some argyle socks would be super fun! I was going to insert a picture of said argyle socks, but all the photos I found of argyle socks are ugly...so just imagine something pretty and in soft colors.

Before all that hard fun stuff, I've got to start working on the list of stuff to make this year beginning with my brother-in-law's helmet liner. I think I have the yarn to do this. It needs to be easy to wash, durable, and I would like it to be comfortable. I'm thinking a soft acrylic. It would be great to do it in a superwash merino, but considering he'll only be wearing it like once a year for their annual trip to the Renaissance Festival I think it's going to make more sense for it to be of acrylic.

So I just listed enough to keep me busy for quite awhile. :)

I also saw my godsons and their parents this weekend so I gave them the beanies and they will most definately fit come fall/winter! Whoohoo! They may even be big and fit for a couple of winters!

That's my progress so far! Ya'll have a good week!

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