Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I feel like I should blog but all I can think about at this moment is the super huge pile of dishes waiting on my countertop at home and my psychotic tendencies toward them...and who wants to read about that?!

Not I said the fly.

So, I'm working away on my little sweater project and it's coming right along. I'm keeping the back portion on the needles until I get the two fronts worked up, make sure it fits me, finish up the neck shaping, and bind off whatever needs it. Pretty smart, eh? Yep, I'm a genius. We'll see if my genius idea was a good one or bad one a little further into this.
Can you believe it took this poor woman an entire year to make this sweater?
I bet that wasn't in the instructions "This pattern is absolutely beautiful and it will make you and those you live with miserable and take a year of your life to complete."
She did a lovely job and it is beautiful, but it's good to know these things... If I ever write a pattern I think I'll include the scale of life-sucking power it has...I'm thinking a little meter like in Princess Bride.
Some patterns don't have any mention of difficulty and let me tell you, when you still can't get past the 30th row and you have frogged it 10+ times, you wish the genius that composed the pattern would have put a warning at the top:

Just sayin.

My counting skills are present and accounted for as of late. But I'm not sure I'd take off on a project like the beautiful steeked sweater just yet. Let's get past the whole garment shaping thing first and then see where it goes from there. I may never make a full-sized human garment again for all I know. :) Probably not, cause I sorta like being challenged, but it's possible.
I also noticed that on Bellsknits blog she has a little project meter that is super cool...too bad I only have one project going at a time, but if I was a multi-project sort of a person, I'd be all over that. Maybe as I progress in my skills I'll find the capacity to have multiple projects going. I'm hoping so cause it sure does sound fun!

I digress.

I did not do a whole ton of knitting this weekend - it was a social weekend - game night Friday after work and a graduation party Sataurday afternoon/evening. Cleaning a bit (sans dishes) and mowing the yard on Sunday and before we knew it *poof!* it was Monday again. I knitted Sunday. After all the outside stuff.
I took my knitting with me to the graduation gathering but couldn't really muster the bravery to pull it out cause I really catch a crap ton of grief for knitting at gatherings. Like serious grief.

A former co-worker of mine, who is further along the timeline than I, once told me I had an 'old soul'. I didn't really consider it at the time, thinking either she was slightly immature for her age or that she found it odd that she might have so much in common with someone so much behind her on the timeline, but the more events in my life that I step back and observe I find that label very appropriate. 'Old soul'. It's deep. It's seeping wisdom. It's me knitting in the middle of my best friend's house at her mom's graduation party (she went back to school for her bachelor's-whoop!). Wait, that last one didn't happen except in my head. Digression.

Since I'm having a bit of an issue staying on topic here, I'm going to jet. I have to order pizza anyway so we don't add to the counter top dish monster and I can continue to knit and pretend it's not there.
Cause I'd rather be knitting anyway.

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