Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sell out

So, I ordered an iphone.

And yes, I feel like a sell out. But my coworker Shelly has introduced me firsthand to words with friends. And I'm hooked.
My sister has mentioned it and I was interested but I knew better than to check it out first hand, knowing my super scrabble dorkiness would get the better of me. I have been conquored. And I cannot believe that I am admitting that I am finally upgrading for a game.
I'm usually pretty good at hiding the fact that on the inside I am a total nerd. It's coming out in droves on this thing...weird how that works out. It's the blog that makes me dorky! I promise.
I am upgrading my cell phone because I like scrabble.
Yep, full force nerdiness. Love it.

I have been putting off a phone upgrade based on priciple of not wanting to pay a super high phone bill cause I just don't think it's right and I don't think it's necessary. Also, after taking a significant pay cut late last year because of my old job becoming a sales job, our household budget has taken some serious cuts. We had some major house projects planned/started (ie the master bedroom/bath) that are currently on hold until we get some stuff paid off or until I find significantly cheaper ways to do things. Or I get a big fat raise in October...yeah, right.
It is partially my fault (I did take the job I am currently in, but gas didn't cost a butt load then either), but I cannot change the situation I am in at the moment so I'm making the most of it. And being damn creative while I'm at it.

I didn't get to knit yesterday cause of volleyball, but I'm looking forward to it tonight. Odd considering it was 102 earlier and I'm daydreaming of knitting. My project is cotton thank goodness. Hopefully I can post pictures tonight of the re-progress on the sweater.
The bag has been laid to rest until I can get the sewing machine into the shop or until I can save up the money to buy a new one.
Have a good afternoon!

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