Thursday, June 16, 2011

Post #2

Not all that fond of posting more than once in a day, but I have pictures!!!

Progress so far on the sweater project after frogging.
 I really wish I would've taken a photo of the messed up portions of this section before frogging cause the number one good thing about pulling this apart was I was able to fix those mistakes. Thank the lord!
Another close up of the lace.

More goodies that you might or might not care about.

Super delicious carrot cake from a couple of weekends ago!
I'm going to admit I typically have a HUGE problem with icing. Especially cream cheese icing - this time, not so much...why you might wonder....butter. Real butter.
You expert bakers probably know this, but me being a super super new baker only just discovered it. Best thing ever. Probably what made the cake. Look how pretty it is. :)

And I sing to all you: "Beautiful bread!" Seriously ya'll homemade bread is the bomb! I am one day going to be a 400lb woman due to bread. Lovely bread.
Heather, remind me to get your honey wheat bread recipe cause I still can't find a good one.

And last but not least, just cause they're cute, two of our ferocious doggies (Brisco is missing from the line up):

The newest addition - Copper
< Zoey - who is freaked out by a camera flash (and flickering light bulbs) because she thinks it's lightening. Luckily this time she didn't get herself so worked up she had to go hide in the bathtub.

Alrighty, folks, that's it for now. Goodnight.

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