Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We've been in a bit of a dry spell down here in south-central Texas... And that's slightly understated cause our dry spell is a drought.

This morning we were lucky enough to receive a bit of relief. Our rain guage read three inches and it was still raining when we left the house. Talking to everyone else in the office that's above average by far with most people only getting 1.5 inches. Jamie and I car pool into town since we have about the same hours and his work is on the way to mine. As I drove through town after dropping him off I noticed it was cloudy enough that all the street lights were bathing everything in a dewy yellowish color, fooled into thinking it was still nighttime. It made the normally sunny small downtown area of Seguin seem mysterious and different. Growing up in this part of Texas has been especially good for appreciating the rainy weather. I don't get the complaining after a couple of days of rain because it's grey and wet outside. I LOVE IT. It's like a Christmas present wrapped in green when all the other ones are covered in red. After so many days of nothing but sunshine sometimes all you want is a bit of cloudiness. The water part of it is my favorite because it's like the earth decided to clean up all the dust and pollen and wash it away. It's fasinating to watch rivers, ditches, stock tanks, driveways, buckets, and flower pots fill up with water from the sky. Purely refreshing. Urging me to go outside - I love running after a good rain so I can marvel at all the changes from such a small amount of rain.
Then I do and I regret it because it's so freaking humid I feel like I'm going to pass out. Since taking a job that requires I sit in a super cooled room with servers and work in front of computer all day, my tolerance for the humidity is at zero. So, I knit and crochet. :) Until the two months of winter and then I go work outside and run and Jamie and I sit on the deck in evenings. A little backwards I know, but such is the life in this part of the state.

Anyway, enough about weather. There is only so much one can say about that. I finished up beanies for my godsons and have been toting them around in the truck trying to remember to stop by the post office to mail them. I'll get around to it one day. Or maybe we'll see them soon. I took pictures and I will post a blog about the beanies tonight since I've finished setting up both Jamie and I's iphones.

I screwed up the damn sweater project (surprise! right?!). Very irritated at myself because I did not catch it until many rows after. It was a VERY obvious mistake - even Jamie said 'You're going to unravel it again, right?'  When I tried to pick up my stitches post-frogging, I realized I wasn't quite sure how to pick up the slip stitches because this mistake was in the lace fagoting not in the stockinette stitches. So I got to take out the next row stitch-by-stitch to make sure I picked them up correctly and that I wasn't creating an unsightly mess once I got going forward (not backward like I was) again. I promised myself that I would finish this damn sweater even if it took all year. Although, I would be very sad if it took all year cause I have big plans for the list of stuff to make BEFORE Christmas. Before THIS Christmas.
I figured out the pattern sizing as it is written should fit me in the size I am making it. In response, since it didn't in fact fit the first time around, I am adding a RS row and a WS row before the increases hoping that might allow for more room in the armhole. It works in my head, so we'll see if it works in practice.I often have a hard time finding clothes that fit because I am inbetween a medium and large - mainly due to boobage and being an hourglass-ish shape (wide hourglass but nonetheless, an hourglass in measurements).  Typically, it's either way tight in the boobs or way big everywhere. This is my first wearable/clothing type article I'm making for myself so I'm just going to wing it. Maybe I'll message a blogger I'm following who regularly edits patterns for herself and get some feedback on if what I'm thinking in my head will work in practice.
That's pretty out of my box though, so we'll see on that idea.

I have come to the conclusion in the madness that is this sweater project that I am not the type of knitter who can have multiple projects cast on and in progress. Surprising to those of you who know me in person? I think NOT! It overwhelms me to know I have all kinds of stuff going on that I cannot see the end to. As I type that, I'm thinking of casting on a pair of socks for myself just to feel like my knitting is going somewhere since the sweater project is moving backward more than progressing forward. :D Can't win for losing.

Okie dokie - I'm outa here. Especially since I have already promised another blog (two in one day is becoming a trend) and you all might get tired of hearing all the rambling that goes on in my brain.
Have a great day!

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