Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have not knitted in a couple of days. :( Took the sweater to work to frog the messed up part and upon getting home and taking the dogs out, checking the chickens, and starting to tackle the idea of dinner I discovered I had left it... in the corner of my office... All alone for the night...In town...20 minutes from home. I felt so alone and sad. No knitting. PLUS summer volleyball old-lady league started up the next day and that eats up knitting time cause it's an all evening event. So guarenteed two days no knitting.
So, I dug through my patterns in an attempt to find a simple crochet project to start on to get me through the evening when I discovered I had stuffed my crochet hooks in the bag I took to work. I was seriously screwed. No luck on crocheting without hooks.
So I went through everything and wrote down what was in my stash and tried to organize things a bit.

Discovered that I had not received CrochetToday! magazine I suscribed to through and that I seriously need to organize my printed patterns. Emailed on the subscription, all good in the hood as of today. Going to send me a back issue and all that jazz - 2-3 weeks arrival. - good customer service, so far.

Discovered that my ebay account is boinked. Back in 07 it was hacked by some a-hole and I guess I never fixed it. I think I'm going to start a new ebay account. Calling ebay does not sound like fun at all. Downside to this idea - mypoints account. Going to do more research on that one.

Discovered some ebay yarn that's calling my name. Which is how I discovered my account was jacked up. Yarn Paradise - out of Turkey - good prices - pay out the behind for shipping.

Discovered and explored the local shop You're So Crafty to check out yarn selection - eh. I'm not old enough to appreciate varigated deep/bright colored yarns I guess. I just really cannot make them into anything in my head that doesn't look like grandma sweater. Or that fabulous dress/tunic thingy I posted about. :)

Discovered I have sort of a preconceived resentment for acrylic - I need to get over it, seriously, cause well, it's an expensive resentment. And I know that acrylics have come a long way...I just am not a fan of the texture of them as you work with them. The craft store did have an acrylic blend with nylon that felt pretty good. Maybe I'll pick up a couple of those and see how it works out. Maybe I'll be converted.

Discovered yesterday that our hens decided to use the laying boxes finally (they've been laying in a corner of one of the pen sections for quite sometime). Did a little dance on that one! Hopefully they'll keep it up - makes my life a little easier.

Discovered in the sunlight that my attempt to cover my pastey white legs in preparation for said summer season old-lady volleyball league was splotchy and felt like everyone was pointing and saying 'Look at that girl's spray tan!' Need to get out in the real sun with some non-jean clothing and attempt to take the edge off my pastey legs. Not fun cause we hit 100 yesterday finally. And the humidity is outa control already.

That wraps up this weeks' discoveries. Have a great one!

Happy Thursday!

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