Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mondays...wait it's Tuesday

Today is Monday...no, it's Tuesday. Holiday gets everything all messed up. Sure feels like Monday - suffering from insufficient sleep last night - caffine too late in the day I guess - makes for a bad Monday  Tuesday.
Anyway, three day weekend is always a great thing. It was a weekend of yarn. Bought two lots of yarn on ebay - woot! And my fantastic sister called and said she picked me up some wool yarn! I'm about to be in yarn heaven!
Haven't restarted the sweater - it's been set aside after I counted stitches lord only knows how many times and came up with a different number every time. Damn stitches moving around like that on me. Isn't counting a kindergarten skill that I should solidly have down by now? Yep, but it looks like I don't.
So, I started crocheting a bag from CrochetToday! May/June 2010 issue. Came out pretty cute. I'm changing the handles and putting a liner in it and doing it in a sort of dusty blue color. I'll post pictures when I have completed it.
I made a carrot cake this weekend and just to toot my own horn - it was fabulous!
Jamie worked on getting some sealer stuff on the roof in the evenings when it finally cooled down a bit and is almost half-way done. I did a bit of spring cleaning and cannot stop going into the newly organized hall closet just because it makes me happy. I love organization.
Alrighty, I'm just rambling now so I'm out and will post completed bag pictures shortly.

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