Monday, May 9, 2011

Socks Completed!

Okay, okay, okay, this post is way less exciting without pictures, but I have officially finished Jamie's socks. I will post pictures eventually. I did discover while working on the last bit of toe that I had made the leg part a little too long and therefore was a little short on yarn for the foot part and had to make the CC toe a bit bigger than the first sock :(. I am a perfectionist and am not happy with the outcome but felt the magnetic pull of the next project and decided to leave the second slightly different (disfigured in my opinion) sock as is. Jamie loves them anyway and what can I expect for only my second pair of socks? I did build a bit of confidence and have already started my next project - a little something for me - which is a peasant top from the Interweave Weekend Knit magazine.
Lots of information to process on this one - first time using circular needles and had to overcome the decision to cast on and knit left-handed style when I taught myself to knit - instructions/visualization for making that work on circular needles is a bit hard to come by...damn left-handedness. But I finally got it figured out and I'm five rows in! Also, this is my first sweater...ever. I did crochet a little sweater for my great-niece but nothing full-human size.
So far, I've been able to keep my creativeness in check while making knitted things from a pattern. This sweater project is making it extremely difficult to keep that urge reigned in. I just found myself jotting down little drawings of tops at work. :)
Changing/adapting knitting patterns does not come as easy to me as adapting crochet patterns. Perhaps it is the work involved in backtracking in knitting vs crochet. Crochet is very quick and easy to take apart and redo....but knitting is very, very time intensive and I am more reserved on pulling something apart and find myself getting WAY more frustrated by having to pull apart a weeks worth of stitches.
We shall see how this little project comes out. Not so excited about the instructions on this one being 'dec st 12(12, 10,...) evenly through row'....for a 220 st row....grrr on having to do math. Plus, I'm using a different yarn, so after getting through five rows and reading that line I figured I'd better do a swatch to see how this yarn is going to guage out. I guess that's what I get for jumping in and picking a project that is probably above my skill level. Oh, well, I'll figure it out!
And I've been day dreaming about linen yarns just sounds nice and cool...linen yarns....there I go again. I know it's May and still sorta like winter for most folks but in Texas...not so much - already into a super-duper drought and hitting 90 like it's nothing (plus humidity). Our outside work around the house has crawled to a halt and we try very hard to do things in the early morning or late afternoon. But linen would be nice...looking for a cheap source - ebay has some good deals from some people overseas but then you pay out the behind for shipping...we'll have to see. Haven't seen any locally, perhaps I just need to look more closely.
Well, that's the finish of my latest knitting adventure! I promise to work harder on the photo thing.

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